How to Create Modifiers (Options)

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1. Modifiers Guide

In this guide we will show you The Modifiers section in the Netron platform. Modifiers are essential for customizing products and giving customers flexible options. It has two main tabs: Modifiers Group and Modifiers. The Modifiers tab shows all available modifiers in your location and lets you add them to the current modifier group. Each modifier needs a unique name to avoid confusion. The Modifiers Group tab is where you create and manage modifier groups. You must create all modifiers before adding them to a group. After adding modifiers to a group, you can set prices based on each modifier group and set a minimum and maximum quantity allowed for each product. Let’s get started with Modifiers Groupt and show you how to configure these settings.

2. Accesing Modifiers Page

There are two ways to access the Modifiers page. One is by clicking Settings > Modifiers. The other is by going to Get Started and clicking the Add Modifiers button.

3. Create Modifier Button

To create a new Modifier, click the Create Modifier button. This will open a new Modifier page.

4. Create Modifier

After the new Modifier page opens, click on Modifier Name and type the desired Modifier name. Click the [Create New] button if you would like to create another Modifier and stay on the same page. If not, click the [Create] button to save and close the window, returning to the Modifiers list page.

5. Modifiers List Page

You have created No Salad and All Salad Modifiers. You can see your Modifiers in a list view on this page.

6. Sort Modifiers Button

You can also sort product Modifiers as you would like. To sort the Modifiers, click here.

7. Sorting Modifiers

To sort your Modifiers, tap-hold on the 3-lines icon and drag and drop the Modifiers to your desired position. Then click the Save button.

You’ve successfully mastered creating Modifiers or Options on the Netron Takeaway & Delivery Restaurants Platform. Don’t hesitate to reach out to our supportive Takeaway Owners community on