Welcome to Netron. Takeaway & Delivery Restaurants Platform.
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1. Products Guide
In this guide, we’ll show you how to create products or items in the Netron Dashboard. We will cover essential features like adding product pictures, entering product names, selecting categories, assigning menu groups, setting pricing by sales channels, adding multiple sizes or portions, setting different POS names, writing product descriptions, using product tags, featuring products, creating miscellaneous products, and managing product availability.
2. What is Product or item?
In Netron, a product or item is any offering on your restaurant menu, whether it has a price or not. Each product must have a name, category, menu group, and pricing to be properly managed and displayed within the system
3. How to access to Products page?
There are two ways to access the Product tab. One is by clicking Settings > Products > Products tab. The other is by going to Get Started and clicking the Add Products button.
4. Product Page
On the Products page, you can view your restaurant’s products and categories in list view under the Products tabs. You can edit, delete, or duplicate products as needed.
5. Create Product Button
Click here to create new Product
6. Create Product Page
You are now on the Create Product page
7. Upload Product Image
Click here to upload an image for the product. Uploading image is optional and not required. The image will be displayed wherever the product is used in apps such as POS, ECOM, and Kiosk apps.
8. Product Name
Click here to enter desired product name. The Product name is Required.
9. Enter Product Name
You entered Margherita as Product Name
10. Search & Assign Category
The Category is required for product. Search for the appropriate category for your product using the Category field. If you can’t find the perfect category, simply click the “Add New Category” button to create a new one and assign it to your product.
11. Search & Assign Menu Group
The Menu Group is required for product. Search for the appropriate Menu Group for your product using the the field. If you can’t find the Menu Group, simply click the “Add New Menu Group” button to create a new one and assign it to your product.
12. Product Sizes
Click here to Add Sizes for the Product
13. Change Sizes
Select Size for the Product
14. Product Pricing
Netron offers flexible product pricing options. You can design pricing based on sales channels and order methods.
15. Single Pricing: For All Channels and Order Methods
Single Product Pricing: Set a single price for your product that applies to all sales channels (e.g., POS, ECOM, KIOSK or JustEat or UberEats) and Order Methods (e.g., Takeaway, Delivery, Pickup or Dine-in). For instance, you could have a “Single Margherita pricing” that applies all Channels & Order Methods.
16. Multiple Pricing: For Each Channel and Order Method
With multiple pricing, you cane create different prices for the same product depending on which channel and how it’s ordered. for example, you can charge more for your products when ordered delivery through channels like JustEat compared to your POS or ECOM Apps (channels).
17. Misc Item (Product)
Misc Item or Open Item. You can make any menu item misc or open price, requiring the user to enter the price when they choose that item on the POS.
18. Featured Product
This setting allows you to designate a product as “featured” in both the POS and ECOM app’s homepage. Featured products will be displayed prominently on the respective homepages, making them more visible to customers.
19. Product Status
Click here to active or inactive the products
20. Create or Create New Product Buttons
Click on [Create New] button if you would like to create another Product and stay on the same page. If not, click the [Create] button to save and close the window, returning to the Products list page.
You’ve successfully mastered creating Products on the Netron Takeaway & Delivery Restaurants Platform. Don’t hesitate to reach out to our supportive Takeaway Owners community on https://community.netroneats.com