Welcome to Netron. Takeaway & Delivery Restaurants Platform.
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1. Tables & Sections Guide
In this guide we will show you the Tables & Sections in the Netron platform.Let’s get started with Tables & Sections show you how to configure these settings.
2. Accessing Tables & Sections
There are two ways to access the Tables & Sections page. One is by clicking Settings > Tables & Sections. The other is by going to Get Started and clicking the Add Tables & Sections button.
3. Tables & Sections Page
On the Tables & Sections page, you can view your location’s Tables & Sections list view. You can create, edit, delete Tables & Sections as needed. Click here to Add Delivery Area
4. Create Section
Tables must be created within a section, and each table name must be unique. On the “Create Tables & Sections” page, type the desired section name.
5. Create Tables
On the “Create Tables & Sections” page, click “Add New” and enter the table name to add it to the section.
6. Create & Create New Section & Tables
After you configured the Tables & Sections, Click the [Create New] button if you would like to create another Tables & Sections and stay on the same page. If not, click the [Create] button to save and close the window, returning to the Tables & Sections list page.
You’ve successfully mastered creating Tables & Sections on the Netron Restaurant Platform. Don’t hesitate to reach out to our supportive Takeaway Owners community on https://community.netroneats.com